@article{oai:kpu-m.repo.nii.ac.jp:00000879, author = {岩脇, 陽子 and Iwawaki, Yoko and 滝下, 幸栄 and Takishita, Yukie and 今西, 美津恵 and Imanishi, Mitsue and 松岡, 知子 and Matsuoka, Tomoko and 山本, 容子 and Yamamoto, Yoko and 西田, 直子 and Nishida, Naoko and 宇野, 真由美 and Uno, Mayumi and 鈴木, ひとみ and Suzuki, Hitomi}, journal = {京都府立医科大学看護学科紀要, Bulletin of School of Nursing Kyoto Prefectural University of Medicine}, month = {Mar}, note = {Fundamental nursing practice, the first step of clinical practice, is important for nursing students to facilitate their early, gradual introduction to clinical practice. As part of this fundamental nursing practice, first-year students have been exposed to nursing practice on one day in June for the past 4 years. Factors related to the effects of this early exposure of students to fundamental nursing practice on their learning and levels of satisfaction with this style of clinical practice were investigated based on their self-evaluation. 1) Students' relevant experiences before entering the college included admission to a hospital (31.6%) and one-day nursing experience (48.8%). 2) Nursing roles they had successfully observed included monitoring/recording/reporting, understanding the patient, daily life support, ensuring security and safety, environmental adjustment, respecting the patient's independence, empathizing with the patient, assistance during treatment, mental support, cooperating with other professions, and guiding the patient. 3) The achievement levels of the practice goals "to observe the site of nursing practice" (p<0.01) and "to observe nurses actively performing duties" (p<0.05) were significantly correlated with students' satisfaction levels. 4) The effectiveness of prior study or individual guidance on self-defined targets, an orientation held in the ward, and observation of nurses in service had significantly affected students' satisfaction levels. A student's success in understanding a nurse's roles in the practice was significantly correlated with his/her satisfaction level. 5) An effective commitment of the tutor nurse to students' learning had a significant impact on their satisfaction levels. 6) Students' attitudes toward the clinical practice, such as viewing it as preferable, interesting, or wanting to be a nurse, were significantly correlated with their satisfaction levels. 7) Providing students with an opportunity to communicate with patients in the practice was significantly correlated with their satisfaction levels. These findings suggested that students viewed their early exposure to nursing practice as a valuable learning experience, and used it to develop themselves and prepare for the future. Since their interest in the clinical practice promotes their willingness to learn nursing, it is necessary to help them feel positive about the practice. Besides the importance of cooperation between clinical workers including the tutor nurse and teaching staff, and their explanations to students about the practice goals and levels, there is a need for those involved in teaching to review the practice contents. The necessity of appropriately designing the contents to facilitate students' communication with patients was also suggested., KJ00005222585, P, 原著, Original Work}, pages = {31--39}, title = {早期体験学習としての基礎看護学実習の学習効果と実習満足度に関連する要因}, volume = {17}, year = {2008}, yomi = {イワワキ, ヨウコ and タキシタ, ユキエ and イマニシ, ミツエ and マツオカ, トモコ and ヤマモト, ヨウコ and ニシダ, ナオコ and ウノ, マユミ and スズキ, ヒトミ} }