@article{oai:kpu-m.repo.nii.ac.jp:00000932, author = {河本, 健 and Kawamoto, Takeshi and 藤田, 信之 and Fujita, Nobuyuki and 金子, 周司 and Kaneko, Shuji and MORREN, Brian and 大武, 博 and Ohtake, Hiroshi}, issue = {38}, journal = {Studia humana et naturalia, Studia humana et naturalia}, month = {Dec}, note = {KJ00004176734}, pages = {19--53}, title = {Collocational Analysis of Life Science English (1) : Lists of common collocates of possibility, probability, implication, involvement, absence, presence, evidence}, year = {2004}, yomi = {カワモト, タケシ and フジタ, ノブユキ and カネコ, シュウジ and オオタケ, ヒロシ} }